Monday, December 31, 2012

12 2012 Highlights and 13 2013 Promises

Today is the last day of the year - a time for reflection, for looking back and seeing what I did right, what I screwed up, and what I learned from being right or screwing up. It is also a time for making promises to oneself. Last year, I listed cool/awesome/suck-y stuff that got to do and when I began 2012, my first impression was, “this year is going to suck more”. I was wrong. I had, indeed, many unfortunate brushes with not-so-good things and not-so-good people, but the experiences of 2012 has given me so much more happiness and a sense of purpose that everything else pales in comparison.

Here are my twelve things that made me want to live and want to die at the same time – my 2012 highlights:

     1.      I left my old job and transferred somewhere better. And despite feeble predictions though quotations meant to ‘make pasaring’, I’m pretty much more successful and much happier now than I ever was. I can truly say it was a good decision.
     2.      I got to know some cool new people in Philippine literature, like Ate Bebang Siy and Ms. Eliza Victoria.
     3.      I’m confident to say I’ve continued to make a difference in the lives of my students: I’ve challenged them to bring out the best in themselves and made many of them aware of just how capable they are of transcending limitations.

     4.      I’ve also became quite active in my organization, the Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates. This year, I ran for a national position and I am now privileged to be serving as one of the national officers of the organization.

     5.      I was escorted down a flight of stairs by none other than Former President Fidel V. Ramos during the 2012 Ramon Magsaysay Awards. Unfortunately, there was no one to take our picture. 
     6.      Got on an airplane for the first time. I am no longer an air travel virgin!
     7.      I’ve given my heart away to advocacy, and to the people I advocate with.
     8.       “I’m dreaming of a Purple Christmas!” We now have an RH Law! And I’m part of those who clamored, fought, argued, cried, and worked for it.

     9.      I went to the streets in protest of Cybermartial Law. And we got TRO for it!

    10.  I got published, I am EIC of a magazine for nurses, and I’ve fulfilled my 2012 resolution of writing more for my blog!

    11.  In fact, I started another blog: Dibuho Pilipinas.
    12.  I got out of the closet.
Kuya Dave: San mo nahugot?
Me: Sa inyo.
Indeed, 2012 was pretty exciting and fulfilling. I plan on making 2013 even more. Here are 13 things I shall work on fulfilling in 2013! I’m writing this down so I’d feel guilty if I’m stuck with the lazy bug.
     1.      Have more time for my family, despite my oh-so-busy schedule.
     2.      Write more. Write fiction. Write blogposts. WriteWriteWrite!
     3.      Eat healthier, do more activities, and lose 20 pounds. I mean, I’ve seen myself in college: I was healthy thin!
     4.      Up my activism and advocacy.
2012 was a great year for being an advocate, and I look forward to more work in 2013!

     5.      Get my photo taken by a pro-photographer friend.
     6.      Visit more places. Go out of town. Go night swimming in the beach and lay down on the sand to stare up at the night sky. Seems like a lot of things for one number but, really, they go hand in hand.
     7.      Get back to painting. Buy a large canvas and transform my doodles into frame-worthy artwork.
     8.      Take up my masters (Education? Women and Development?) or take up law.
     9.      Have the guts to send my babies (stories) out there. Have the heart to accept that I am not (yet) good enough.
    10.  Pursue my nursing career. Get a certificate of competency from the Nursing Certification Program of the Department of Health in Public Health Nursing. Expand my horizons as a Reproductive Health Nurse.
    11.  Heal someone broken.
    12.  Help organize charity event. Shed sweat, blood, tears, and sleep to make it successful.
    13.  Touch someone’s heart. See that person/those people smile.


  1. Wow! You're so toxic..

    1. Yeah, but I prefer to be toxic than to be stagnant ^_^
