This blog was originally a venting mechanism for self-proclaimed writer Janina Santos - thus, Janina Writes Here. It began as a topsy-turvy collection of thoughts that messed up the authoress's already-crazy brain and, because the authoress refuse to believe otherwise, evolved into a medium of expression for ideas that might one day make a dent in the world. It is a niche-less blog - for women's rights, for arts and literature, for social commentary, for occasional creative vomitus - and quite proud of its uninhibited chaos.
Janina Santos pretends that saying she is a college graduate matters. Instead of practicing her course in the way tradition dictates, she prefers to wield the lessons of nursing - critical thinking and evidence-based practice - on her daily life and her struggles as a woman in the greater world.

Janina is an incorporator and trustee of the Philippine Society of SRH Nurses, Inc., a group dedicated to bringing quality sexual and reproductive health services to Filipinos. She is also a member of the Alliance of Young Health Advocates and the International Youth Council - Pilipinas. She is a resource speaker for sexual and reproductive health topics, specifically Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV), HIV/AIDS, and Adolescent Sexual Health.