About Codswallop

This blog was originally a venting mechanism for self-proclaimed writer Janina Santos - thus, Janina Writes Here. It began as a topsy-turvy collection of thoughts that messed up the authoress's already-crazy brain and, because the authoress refuse to believe otherwise, evolved into a medium of expression for ideas that might one day make a dent in the world. It is a niche-less blog - for women's rights, for arts and literature, for social commentary, for occasional creative vomitus - and quite proud of its uninhibited chaos. 

Janina Santos pretends that saying she is a college graduate matters. Instead of practicing her course in the way tradition dictates, she prefers to wield the lessons of nursing - critical thinking and evidence-based practice - on her daily life and her struggles as a woman in the greater world. 

She is a Registered Nurse,  a writer, an artist, an Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) advocate,  and a constant learner, and not necessarily in that order. In the past life she worked at an IELTS review center in Makati, where she taught test preparation classes, wrote like a madwoman, and did everything in between, including but not limited to slaying manananggal and befriending kapre. By night (and other times when people should be resting), she wrote contents for websites, marketing paraphernalia, project proposals, business letters blog posts, presentation slides, and anything else her clients could think of. Today, her dayshift is dedicated to serving this maritime nation as a researcher for policy making. 

Janina is an incorporator and trustee of the Philippine Society of SRH Nurses, Inc., a group dedicated to bringing quality sexual and reproductive health services to Filipinos. She is also a member of the Alliance of Young Health Advocates and the International Youth Council - Pilipinas. She is a resource speaker for sexual and reproductive health topics, specifically Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV), HIV/AIDS, and Adolescent Sexual Health.