Thursday, December 12, 2013

Something Silly: Effie Trinket-Inspired Make-Up Experiment


A few weeks ago, I met up with some of my advocacy friends Sir Alvin, Kuya Dave, and Raim, for a meeting, but just like any advocacy meeting, we started out with some fun first. We watched the first half of The Hunger Games (the first movie), mainly for my benefit, because I have yet to see it. 

We ended up with a dare: I do Effie Trinket's make-up look and Raim will give me PHP300.00. He said he's raise it to PHP500.00 if he sees creativity. Because I really want to raise the money (and because I don't know when to say no to a dare), I accepted. The money would be of great help because I've been trying to raise funds to donate to Yolanda survivors. 

(By the way, people, I'm still SELLING MY BOOKS! Shameless advertising time!)

The make-up itself is pretty simple - white face and lots of pink. The tricky part is the lips. In the movie, Effie's lips are much smaller than her real ones. A little concealer did the trick. Here are some pictures of the prep: 

The first things I did was to clean my face, moisturize and block my eye brows. Yes, people, that is Elmer's Glue Stick I'm holding, and yes I'm putting that over my brows. In the pictures, Effie has very light eye brows, and since I have full, dark brows, blocking them before applying concealer/foundation makes life easier. Excuse the harassed looking face.

As for the face, the aim is to make it as white as possible. I did this by using my cream concealer as foundation. I then set it with my regular face powder then used a kabuki brush to buff it in. 
For the eyes, which are a deep pink color, I first used a cream-based make-up as base, then followed it with a combination of a purple and hot pink eye shadow. I simply swept everything on my lids. If you don't have a cream-based make-up, whip out your pink lipstick and dab some on your peepers.

The lips were a bit of a challenge. After erasing my natural lip color with concealer, I used a pink lip pencil to sketch the shape I wanted - which meant small, almost pouty. I used the pinkest lipstick I could find and dusted it with the same purple-pink eye shadow combination earlier. I cleaned the edge of the lips with concealer.
The last thing I did was to put on false lashes. In the picture, Effie is wearing these gorgeous paper lashes which I would really want to get my hands on. Unfortunately they cost 12.5 pounds, WITHOUT shipping fee. (If you want to give me a gift, a pair of those falsies would be amazing!) So I decided to make my own simple ones. I got a pair of falsies at ATC last week. They cost me PHP80.00. Not bad, right? To make it more interesting, I sketched out a couple of butterflies on black paper, cut these out using an ordinary cutter, then glued them to the lashes.

I ended up with this: 

Not bad, if I say so myself. 

The only problem with this look is that I didn't have a wig, so it's not complete, really. I do have some kind of flower but I didn't use it. I ended up with this as the complete look: 

Not really an exact copy, but the idea is to be inspired by the make-up, not copy it. I guess I should have contoured a bit - after all, Effie has a narrower nose than I do. And next time I should have more props, like a costume and a wig, But it was fun doing this. In fact, it was so much fun that I made a video afterwards. I'm no longer posting that though. I get allergic when I see my face on my blog too much. 

I'd also have to admit that I look silly, sporting this look. In fact, it would take a lot more persuasion if I am dared to wear this look in public. But looking silly is a small thing compared to the cause. What does it take to put on make up? Not much, just time and a bit of patience. What does it take to extend your hands to help? Nothing much, just compassion. I'd like to do something more, if I can, to help those who have so little, simply because I have so much more than they do right now. 

Those who survive  Yolanda may have lived through the storm, but they are still in need of assistance. Right now they are slowly getting back on their feet, but hundreds, if not thousands, are still in need of any help they can get. Let us not stop our efforts. 

Happy holidays, everyone. I hope you enjoyed my silly little look as much as I did putting it together. 

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