Friday, September 6, 2013

Baby Out! PSORHN's First BORHN

Manila, Philippines - The Philippine Society of Sexual and Reproductive Health Nurses (PSORHN), a group of nurses who advocate and serve for SRHR in the county, had its hands full last week.  Three simultaneous events were happening - two in Metro Manila and another in Bagui. While PSORHN nurses were educating communities regarding sexual and reproductive health in Baguio, another group was at the UP-PGH Ortoll Center in Manila, being trained on inserting long-acting contraceptive, Implanon. 
In a not-so-distant location in the capital, PSORHN was conducting the first ever Basic Orientation on Reproductive Health Nursing (BORHN). Held at the Philippine Nurses' Association's (PNA) auditorium, BORHN is an entry-level training for those who wish to be RH nurses. It covers fundamental topics such as sexual and reproductive health, a primer on the Reproductive Health Law, and opportunities of nurses who will be specializing in sexual and reproductive health.

I had the pleasure of attending the pioneer batch of BORHN and despite being in the advocacy of reproductive health for several years now, I believe that BORHN a very comprehensive course that would-be RH nurses would benefit from. Here are some of the highlights of the course: 

1. The relationship of society's concept of sexuality to service delivery and promulgation of laws and policies; 
2. Treaties and international laws pertaining to SRHR; 
3. Major provisions of the RH Law, especially those pertaining to the practice of nursing, and the prohibitive acts; 
4. The opportunities for RH nurses.

Another batch of future RH nurses will be undergoing the BORHN training on the 20th of September. For more details regarding the training, visit the PSORHN website.

Hope to see you there!

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