Hey Readers!
I'm finally launching the Dibuho Project! This means give-aways, reader's participation, and bragging rights to come!
What got me going was this little exchange with Mr. Ray Gapuz, owner of the oh-so-famous R.A. Gapuz Review Center. Here are a couple of screen shots:
I will say two things: (1) I studied at that review center and I believe we were taught that comprehension is essential to passing the Nursing board exam and (2) I passed the Nursing board exam, so if I lacked comprehension, it must mean that I got my license out of pure luck. Woah.
This exchange got me thinking on the role of the nurse in the modern times, and since I'd really love to know what people think, I decided it would be good to make this topic Codswallop's first dibuho.

All that gift cards and freebies plus this amazing piece of literature by Bob Ong are yours by just giving me insights on what you think the role of the nurse will be. Pretty good deal, if you think about it.
Here's how to win. It's as easy as pie:
2. PM Codswallop your name, contact details, and answer to the question below.
3. Post your answer in the comment section of this blogpost as well.
4. My fave answer will get freebies galore, and I'll get in touch with the guy or the gal with the most awesome response for the prices.
Ready, reader? Express your dibuho now!
Love from,
Janina ^_^
Modern Nurses: What is Beyond the Bedside?
ReplyDeleteRNdrei dela cruz jus142@yahoo.com/andrei.delacruz@aynla.org
One of my friend told that, you as nurse will not lose you profession if your working outside the four corners of the hospital doing a routine activities.
Now a days, many nurses see other opportunity working ouside the hospital and clinics those nurses do not see themselves working on the four corners of the hospital doing the bedside care.
Today, we have a lots of venue to shine i.e. BPO - working under the Health Care Account, Private Duty Nurses, Nurses working on NGO, Travel Nurse and a lot more. I think these are the thing I see beyond the bedside.
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ReplyDeleteMODERN NURSES: WHat is Beyond the Bedside?
ReplyDeleteRichard Garcia jiro_garcia09@yahoo.com (FB) / johnrichard.garcia@yahoo.com
Here in the Philippines, finding a traditional hospital nurse job is more of a rat race now than before. Some of us, especially those unemployed RNs and newly grad RNs, are still vying and willing to take risk (even a volunteer position) just to secure their nursing job in the hospital. With thousands of Filipino nurses having the same difficult situations, chances are, you will face one frustration after another.
Due to the present economy we are facing, Our country is still struggling to provide to the thousand of unemployed nurses for a few plantilla positions available in our local hospitals. our government only provides opportunities to a select few, worsten by our culture of favoritism and “backer system”. A midst all these, a Filipino nurse faces two options: it's either he/she will stay waiting to work as the traditional hospital nurse or go out-of the-box and try to experience new things by grabbing other opportunities outside the pillars of the hospital/clinics. Sad to say, the first option is not at all practical nowadays because not all nurses, specially to the newly grad RNs, can afford to work without pay (nurse volunteer) or survive having a plantilla position with a very low/ underpaid income. Remember, we all have our families to support financially and for yourself also (pleasures din natin to treat ourselves for every kinsenas! jk!).
We can't blame other RNs who see their opportunities to work outside the hospital because of their practical-mindedness and some, at first, were just influenced/forced to take up nursing and don't see themselves working as a nurse doing the bedside care to the sick patients.
Due to its modern age and Nursing is continuously evolving with technology and inovations, here are some lucrative careers beyond the bedside of Modern Nurses:
*Nursing Researchers - kung adik sa research, bagay dito!
*Private duty nurses - provides private duty care are working one-on-one with individual clients. Sometimes such care is provided in the client's home, hospital, or nursing home
*Nurse Educators - nurse who teaches and prepares registered nurses (RN) for entry into practice positions. They can also teach in various patient care settings to provide continuing education to licensed nursing staff.
*Medical Reps - involves selling and marketing of medical products and supplies.
*medical/freelance writers
*Clinical instructor
*Dermatology nurse
*Flight attendant
*BPO call center agents - nurses are good in therapeutic communications.
*Room Nurse - aka "caregiver" (just kidding.! )
For me, there's nothing wrong with going out-of-the-box and choosing different career path, as long as we are happy on our choices we've made on our lives. It would be a very good opportunity for them if they will continue to work on that path and delve into because it’s a very different career path they can get into and succeed in. Being a nurse is not all about wearing white uniforms and the essence of ‘care’ will not just end inside the four corners of the hospital. You must have the caring attitude that will see them through sickness and in health. By still maintaining the core element of nursing philosophy within our lives, the future of nursing will continue to shine and delivers the essentials of caring, nurturing, and protecting the indivivuals in a newly modernized world. And these are the careers beyond the bedside of the Filipino Nurses today. :)