Sunday, August 5, 2012

Epiphanies and Visualizations

If you’re looking for some deep, artistic conglomeration of words that would inspire you and make you remember all the hauntingly beautiful things in life, this is probably not it. This is actually just an attempt to digest and get rid of crazy thoughts running in my head and trying to beat each other to bloody pulp.

Tonight’s rant is about this photo:

This came from CBCP’s organized Anti-RH Bill protest earlier, in EDSA. The bill, which has been lobbied by many groups for more than 15 years now, is on critical waters. August 7 marks the day the House of Representatives will vote if the controversial law-to-be gets passed the debating process or not. Thus, the rising clamor from both pro and anti RH groups. In social media sites, other debates are on going.

Saved Sex: the banner phrase that sparked a Facebook brouhaha. What does this one mean? Everyone has their own interpretation. At first, I assumed this was merely a poor attempt on alliteration (because it is seriously a confusing, trying-hard combo), but due to my drug-addled brain (I'm sick), I have come into various epiphanies of the possible meaning of this much-debated lines.

    1.       So you can’t have sex now coz your girl’s on her red flag days? You tick this one of as a “saved sex” and file it into your “to claim” folder. Next time she accuses you of being an insensitive prick, you haul savedsex.doc from the baul and hit her in the face with it.

    2.       Maybe it’s a grammatical error and they were really trying to type, “Saved’s sex”. Like, once you are deemed as “saved”, you go to a heaven where you can get all the sex you want? Doesn’t sound bad at all.

    3.       OR maybe I was right in the beginning and it really IS a poor attempt at alliteration to just to have something that rhymes with “safe sex”.  Can’t blame them. Alliteration is an incredibly good literary technique. They just forgot to make it sensible.

They probably mean abstinence, and I don’t have a problem with that. The only problem is the confusing message it sends out. Makes me wonder if the people who stormed EDSA today actually know what they’re fighting for.

So, ok I lied: I actually don’t know WHAT saved sex is about. If you have explanations/theories, please feel free to hit the comment button and share your own epiphanies. They might help me sleep… or throw me into fits of laughter.

Safe sex, though, this is a term I’m familiar with. Merriam-Webster online defined this term assexual activity and especially sexual intercourse in which various measures (as the use of latex condoms or the practice of monogamy) are taken to avoid disease (as AIDS) transmitted by sexual contact—called also safer sex”.

Which got me thinking if, again, I misunderstood the meaning of “no safe sex”. Do they mean that they would want to purge condom use, monogamy, hand jobs, and other practices in making love and having sex that keep people STI-free?  

Unlucky to have been cursed with a vivid imagination, I saw the following scenarios unfold in my head:

    1.       A Philippines where men and women and children are screwing each other like rabbits in heat, passing HIV, Chlamydia and gonorrhea back and forth, like a sick game of pass the ball.

    2.       HIV rising exponentially. 2012 stats leaving 2011’s in the dust. Thousands of new cases each month, and thousands of new deaths too.

    3.       The laws preventing bigamy and adultery would be abolished. If there is no more safe sex, then married couples can sleep with whoever they want to sleep with, right?

    4.       Condom companies will go broke (certain groups would totally love this).

    5.       Teenage pregnancies will shoot off the charts. Reality check, many of these kids are not getting pregnant because of two things: either they aren’t getting laid, or they decide to put on condom. Hello population explosion! As if we don't have enough people.

     6.       Seriously: the Philippines will sink into economic catastrophe. This is because people’s health is still the responsibility of the government, and treating people with STIs and HIV/AIDS is far from cheap. Anti-retroviral drugs for PLHIV  cost a fortune. Thus, massive allocations to health must be made, dying up fund allocation for other needs. Thus, further depleting the monetary fund of our poor country, and her equally poor people.

     7.       The Philippines will die a slow, painful, discharge-filled death due to an epidemic of sexually transmitted disease. Or maybe not. Without safe sex, STIs will become as common as the flu, and people might actually start talking about it in rational manners so it is easier to help them. But STIs being much more common is just sad, don’t you agree?

     8.       Sex will be less exciting. Because a hand job is part of foreplay, which is, incidentally, safe sex practice. Poor, deprived men and women and cringe-worthy wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am!

Oh my. Give me zombie apocalypse any day.#

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