Saturday, July 21, 2012

Kalerking Beki Itech

Warning: Kabaklaan to the max, teh!

Beki. A man who wants another man. A man who’s willing to marry another man. In the eyes of the Idiot Society, the primary target of god’s wrath in the form of AIDS. Comedy bar staple. Laughing stock. Beauticians. Someone whacked ‘round the head and put as romantic-comic relief opposite to the likes of Vic Sotto and Aga Mulach (oh, media). Curse to a homophobic society. Gay. Queer. Bakla.

I freaking love them. And the many idiots in the world think that they are only good for making us cry while giggling our heads off and curling our hair (they are good at that, but if you haven’t noticed, they are good at other stuff too?).

We always slide back to the myopic outlook that gays are just gays and they can never be more than that - which, just like all myopic outlooks in life, turns out to be grave idiocy.

I have heard one politician say that the ongoing discrimination against gays is due to their reputation as laughing stocks. (Seriously media, must they have this role almost all the freaking time?) So they look stupid and silly and not to be taken seriously.

And because this way of thinking annoys me, I have decided to feature some of my most respected people who are proud of their bekihood and to see what are their takes on some pressing issues on sexual health, discrimination, and all stuff concerning LGBT.

Readers of Codswallop, it is my pleasure to present, Mr. Mark  Donald Renosa.

One of my kaututang dila sa Facebook, and ex-workmate (I have moved on from my previous employer, thank you very much) Mark is the epitome of kabaklaan. Yes, he and I would have long, insanely funny conversations about sex that would send me giggling like a schoolgirl, and sometimes the guy would comment on my make-up. But I have also experienced speaking to him about my concern about the increasing HIV stats, and my very blatant opposition to victim blaming in rape cases. It was, to be honest, quite arousing, and people know how much a sucker I am for neuron orgasm. (Plasil, Mark?)

Quick Bio: Mark Donald Renosa is graduate of St. Paul University, finishing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. There, he was the recipient of many awards: Primary Health Care Award (gold, medal), Socio-cultural Award, Departmental Leadership (bronze  medal) and the Journalism Award (gold  medal). He took his Masters of Science in Nursing major in Adult Nursing at the University of St. Louis. Always a fan of continuing education , he is now pursuing his Doctor of Nursing Science at St. Paul U.

Also an advocate, Mark has been involved in several medical missions and relief operations, acting as a nurse educator to several typhoon-affected areas. He has continuously pushed for gender equality, eradication of hunger, poverty, and HIV/AIDS. He is the Board of Director and elected as the Vice Chairman for Administration and Finance of the Informatics Nurses Society of the Philippines and the Research Consultant of Own Wellness Research Center in Manila focusing on producing complementary and alternative medicine. 
Mark Renosa, super secret identity of Nurse Batman, works for the RITM
as a Clinic Research Nurse. He is also a national reviewer for the Nursing
Licensure Exam. 

Obviously, the credentials are yummy.  

Codswallop: How do you think society stereotypes gays?

Mark Renosa:  Ang society kasi matalino. Perpekto, sa sobrang linis pedeng ng i-alay sa Bulkang Mayon. Natatawa nga ako minsan, iniisip nila… kapag bakla? SALOT na agad? Hindi ba pwedeng, Nurse, Doctor, Attorney muna? Teka lang naman, naisip ba ninyo na, nagbabayad din kami ng buwis? Para may ipakain sa PILIPINAS at kurakutin ng mga politiko. Mag-isip isip din. We deserve equal rights.

Hindi lang po kami… Stand-up comedienne (I tell you, it takes intelligence para magpatawa ng tao.) at mang-kukulot (aba! Kung walang baklang mag-aayos sa mga mukang palakang STRAIGHT kuno, magiging masaya at maganda ba ang mundo?).

It matters with the bitterness of reality that we really need to make something for a living and it’s the main reason why these gays strive hard by every means to gain this kind of work para may ipakain sila sa pamilyang nagugutom. Respect is the key.  Kesa naman mag-tulak ng droga diba?

Codswallop: How do you define "being gay"?

I believe I have already reached the point where I see true beauty in Gay-ness. Where I no longer care of some people’s insensitive remarks. It is my way of life. I am happy. Do you have problem with that? J

Codswallop: Waley teh, you know I love gays.  Could you talk about recent issues regarding how LGBTs are treated in the country? Let’s start with Pacman's Bible quoting argument against gay marriage.
Mark: It pissed me. Eh kung magtrabaho ka, gumawa ng batas, kesa bumurgis-burgis ka ng kung anu-ano. Di natuwa pa sana Pilipinas. Nag-react ba kami ng may mga unfaithfulness issue ka? So don’t discuss about morality and GOD. Pareho-pareho lang tayong madudumi sa MATA NG SOCIETY. Who’s to say you are in the RIGHT world anyway? Apology accepted but that doesn’t mean OKEY na tayo PACMAN. End of conversation. J

Codswallop: And what do you say about Miriam Quiambao's anti-homosexuality tweet?

Mark:  Ayoko siyang pag-usapan. Wala akong pakialam sa kanya. Kung ayaw niya ang pagiging bading. Nirerespeto ko siya. AYOKO DIN SA KANYA! Ayokong mahulog siya ulit. Masakit yun. Period.

Codswallop: Here’s a good one that affects more than the LGBT community, but also people on all age groups: Ultra-conservative groups barring the passage of the RH Bill.

Mark: Oh di sila na ang conservative. Nakakahiya naman sa kanila. Basta ako gusto kong isigaw ang VAGINA at PENIS with feelings. J

Codswallop: Korek ka jan. Va-gi-nuh! What about movements against the inclusion of LGBT rights in the Anti-Discrimination Bill?

Mark: We are paying taxes so I demand respect and equality. J

Codswallop: And if you were to have your "famous last words" to uphold the dignity of the LGBT community, what would they be?

Mark: Aba! Makibeki wag mashokot! Kidding aside, continue to spread your spirit. Basta Masaya ka at wala kang inaapakang tao… ipagpatuloy mo yan. Basta mahal mo yang ginagawa mo… ipagpatuloy mo yan. Mahal ka ng Dyos… kaya ipagpatuloy mo yan. Madapa ka man minsan… bumangon ka… at ipagpatuloy mo yan. Tumawa ka ng tumawa.. ipagpatuloy mo yan. Magpasaya ka.. ipagpatuloy mo yan. Lahat ng bagay sa mundo na alam mong tama… ipagpatuloy mo yan. Basta at the end of the day, uuwi ka at matutulog kang Masaya at magiging eggzited sa pagbangon kinabukasan, aba’y karapat-dapat kang mabuhay… ipagpatuloy mo yan. Mabuhay at kulayan ang mundo…ipagpapatuloy natin ito! J 

A beki to be taken seriously, a beki that shatters presumptive stereotypes. We have so many of them in the country, contributing to the betterment of our world one nakakalerking step at a time.

Mark Donald Renosa is just one of them. Official beki and damn proud: “I am Gay. Bisexual. Bayot. Bading. Bakla. Shokla. Salot (as the society shouts.) But I am a person, made by God and definitely not a liability to the society. I am changing the world to make it less difficult. Bakla ako, and I mean it. J”#

1 comment:

  1. Mabuhay ang mga Beki. Proud to be friends with so many of them, babe! Alam mo yan! :)
