Wednesday, October 29, 2014

1+5 Idiotic (and Infuriating) Things People from the idiot Society Say about LGBT

Let me tell you some things about me: I think that 2 women kissing is hot. I watched Love of Siam and got totally kilig. I cried a lot when I watched Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros. I have more gay friends than guy friends.

I am not part of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual) community, but I am a firm believer that love knows no sex and when it is a question of love and desire what's between the legs can be completely irrelevant. If a man and another man fall in love, and they want to physically express that love, then I don't have a problem with that. I'm romantic like that. 

I respect people's opinions. Some people are not in favor of LGBT love, and that's fine. But saying things that are so hate-filled and idiotic is another matter. Just check out the comment section of any LGBT-related stories and you'll find a load of crap. There are some that makes me lose faith in humanity. Ergo, this list. 

1.Let's get this one out of the way: "Gays caused AIDS."

I actually already wrote about this in my 5 Ignorant (and Sometimes Infuriating) Things People Say About HIV/AIDS blogpost and here's an excerpt of that:

"No. HIV causes AIDS. It is a virus that attacks the immune system, causing it to become inefficient in eliminating infectious diseases. The end stage of the HIV infection is the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS. Regardless of how fab gays are, I think it's beyond their awesome gayness to make a virus. Unless that awesome gayness is intertwined heavily with microbiology and genetics, of course."

2. This effed-up definition of GENDER:

Let us look at what exactly Merriam-Webster has to say about gender.:

Gender: the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

This comment came from an Inquirer article about using the pronoun "she" for murdered transgender Jennifer Laude. Sometimes, I think people's bigotry can severely damage their reading comprehension skills. 

Gender are traits associated with either being female or male. TRAITS. CHARACTERISTICS. Wearing a dress. Having long hair. Doing household chores. Being feminine. All these are traits associated with being female. So what if someone who is biologically male starts taking on the behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits of being female, does that mean that he can change his gender into a she?I think the answer is yes.

By definition, he can be a she.

3. "Umandar naman yung kabaklaan niya."

Oh my effin' gawd. Hindi ko ito kinaya. 

Context: This high blood-inducing line was delivered by someone who I know personally, who I though was sensitive and understanding. From someone who I though was smart enough to not spew sexist shiz. I was wrong, but I also did say that anything you do can and will be used against you in my blog, so this made the list. The "kabaklaan" in that statement? It meant cowardice.


It really ticks me  off when people use sexist slurs, such as referring to a coward as "bakla"(gay) (or "pussy", but we're talking about LGBTs here). Gays - LGBTs - are some of the bravest people I know. Not only do they have to face discrimination, but also gender-based violence and the idiocy of many people who spew ignorance such as the ones stated above. It takes guts to face all of these things. 

4. "Kasalanan din naman yan ni Jeffrey Laude. Nanloko siya." (It's also Jeffrey Laude's fault. He conned the killer.)

This comment is something repeated, like a sick mantra, in many if not all of the news items about the murder of transpinay Jennifer Laude. One of the most popular theories is that Jennifer was murdered by US Marine Scott Pemberton after he found out that she was a transpinay and not a "real woman". At this, the victim-blaming attitude of many citizens of the Idiot Society reared its ugly head again, this time blaming Jennifer for getting killed because she allegedly did not tell Pemberton that she is not a "real woman".

You know how stupid that sounds? Blaming someone FOR GETTING BEAT UP AND MURDERED? Just because Jennifer Laude is a transpinay? FYI, people of the Idiot Society, Jennifer Laude was well within her rights to express herself as she felt she should be - a woman. 

Check out principle 19 of the Yogyakarta Pricnicple, a universal guide to human rights in relation to Sexual orientation and Gender Identity. 

In the age of Google, I can't believe that people are still getting stupider. 

if you're lazy to Google, here are the links to what the Yogyakarta Principles are about and the principles themselves.

5. "Same-sex marriage is an affront to my religion!"


Or, to quote Elaine de Guzman, "Wala kaming pakialam sa nararamdaman mo."

But let us expand more on this. So what does good ol' Meriam-Webster have to say?

Marriage: the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law;  the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

Wedding:  a marriage ceremony usually with its accompanying festivities

So what's the deal> Weddings are often religious in nature, but a marriage is legal in nature. What the LGBT is asking for is the right to have their relationship be acknowledged by law so that their relationship can have the protection of the legal system. The keywords here are legal protection.

What those who oppose same-sex marriage fail to understand is that It has absolutely nothing to do with religious ceremonies. You can keep your wedding.

6. This screen-cap: 

(Yes, that's my face right there. More on that when I publish my Halloween post!)

Moving on. This comment actually has some saving grace: the fact that the commenter was actually quite honest with his intentions and how he was faring in his campaign. My problem is this: WHY would someone want to lessen support for a group that faces discrimination, gender-based violence, and is essentially getting the short end of the stick? WHY? If the campaign is to lessen support for those crazy psychos in ISIS, then by all means, do it. But why waste precious time keyboard warrioring to diminish support for a minority which needs as much support as it can get? I think that's screwed up.

I end this blogpost with my usual advice to everyone who has the capacity to express themselves. Please, for the love of everything decent and good on earth, educate yourselves before saying something akin to the idiocies I have enumerated above. Instead of using time, bandwidth, and your smartphone's battery to bash and spread hate, use it to learn more about things you still don't understand. Speaking out of ignorance will not help the issues. And ignorance will never be an excuse for arseholiness. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Great post! Malamang ngumawa na naman yun sa social media na "infamous" siya :D
