Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Friends are Stupid

This post is a bit personal, but in lieu of what has been happening, I thought it would be wise to write it now, while I am still soft from heartbreaks. I must take advantage, as next week I’ll probably be back to posting about neophyte politicians with abhorrently blank credentials and senatoriables who think that pissing at the constitution’s provision on separating Church and State is a-okay.

To start: My friends are idiots. I don’t mean that literally, of course. They have yet to descend to the worst classification of mental retardation, but it remains the same - they are idiots.

I would hear a lot of them despair about stuff that, yes, I’d have to admit, would make the optimistic pessimistic. It’s the same story for almost everyone: family problems, monetary needs, the pressure of having a stable career, growing old, being behind other people in terms of achievement, being fat, being ugly, and the age-old problem of everyone with a functioning limbic system: having their hearts ripped from their chest, stomped on, battered with a hammer, shattered into a million pieces by that one person who can hurt them the most and make all of their good traits seem as insignificant as dust in the wind.

Welcome to the real world, my friend, where everything is a carnival and emotions are toys to be played with. If God existed, then he must be having a heck of a time watching the largest and longest bloody telenovela. 

My friends are some of the youngest, most inspiring people I know (and if you are reading this, yes, you're included Mister-I-Feel-Ancient, you're not a grandpa yet, after all): professors and teachers of math and science (Krissy is a registered microbiologist and a UP prof), people whose names are carved in the advocacy, men and women younger than I am who've graduated from their masters and doctorate or are pursuing it, or simply people who are kinder and more generous than this bitter biatch of a world requires.

Why are they idiots when their credentials far exceed mine? Because they have this silly tendency to sometimes forget their worth when  faced with the crap that makes living such an ABS-CBN-worthy teleserye. 

I thought it would be nice for them to have something to go back to, just in case they're in a slump.: 

Have a little faith.

And if it matters (I really hope it does), I still love you. 


  1. This is amazingly inspiring and moving, despite being blunt. It's like a cup of mixed berries and ceylon tea: a delightful elixir that has a certain extra bite that makes you cringe at first, then eventually, you'll smile because of the blissful sweetness it unexpectedly encompasses. I love your bite, and even more, your sweetness.

    1. Thank you. You can say I'm inspired. I sometimes hope that my friends can see themselves through my eyes. These are people I look up to, after all...
